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Making use of a Directory of Podcast Videos

Making use of a Directory of Podcast Videos

Making use of a Directory of Podcast Videos While some video clip feeds can be discovered by seeing the website that holds them, much more are simpler discovered by checking out a directory site of podcast video clips.

Utilizing a Directory of Podcast Videos

Making use of a Directory of Podcast Videos
Making use of a Directory of Podcast Videos

These podcast video clip directory sites keep listings of podcasts that have been sent to them. They might arrange the listing according to appeal, area, and also group, assisting site visitors discover specifically the kind of feed they are looking for.


Technology video clip podcasts can be discovered, with normal
episodes regarding modern technology information.


Some video clip feeds are speculative podcasts, produced by developers interested in showcasing their job as well as checking out brand-new types of modifying and also narration.

Making use of a Directory of Podcast Videos
Making use of a Directory of Podcast Videos

There are some feeds thatr ecreate talk and also funny programs, with meetings every

A directory site of podcast video clips can assist any person discover brand-new
And also fascinating podcasts to subscribe to, and also it can
aid podcasters market their feeds.


As opposed to
relying upon word of mouth advertising and marketing as well as individuals
stumbling onto the feed, a directory site makes it simpler for
audiences to locate the feed.

Making use of a Directory of Podcast Videos
Making use of a Directory of Podcast Videos

Directory sites play the function thatearly internet search engine did, preserving a listing of a.fairly little team of internet addresses that or else.

would certainly not be discovered.

After browsing a directory site of podcast video clips as well as.
locating a feed that is attractive, it can be registered for.
by utilizing a podcast customer.


A podcast customer is a computer system.
program that examines the RSS documents that keeps the.
details concerning the feed as well as downloads the video clip.

data that the video clip podcast web links to. The documents can after that be.
seen by the individual on their computer system whenever and also as.
sometimes as they want.

Finding Free Podcast Videos


Anyone can easily find free podcast videos online.
There are numerous podcast directories online that can help you find feeds to subscribe to, or you may find a
feed thats available from a site you enjoy.

After looking through the directories and finding a feed you want to
download, subscribe to it using one of the many free podcast clients available.

The podcast client will  automaticall download a small file called an RSS file, which stands for Really Simple Syndication. The RSS
file tells your podcast client when there is a new file, in this case a video, to download.

Depending on your
client, the program will notify you or maybe even download it automatically. Once the file is on your
computer, you’ll be free to listen to it any time it is convenient.

Soon you’ll be on your way to downloading some of the free podcast videos available online. Feeds are available that publish on almost every topic, from independent news shows to experimental videos, to scientific information.

Some colleges and universities even podcast their most popular lectures so that students will have a chance to watch and review from the comfort of their computer chair.

The best part is that these free podcast videos, are of course, free. All of these feeds are easy to find, and the publishers, for the most part, do it simply because they enjoy it, and are glad to give it away.

Finding a Podcast on PSP



There are many podcasts on PSP available. Some of them simply share information on the PlayStation Portable and distribute it to people interested in portable gaming.


These podcasts serve as news organizations,
sharing audio or visual files talking about the PlayStation Portable and speculating about updates to
the PSP.

The vast majority, however, take advantage of the ability of the PlayStation Portable’s ability to
download and play quality videos on the gaming screen.


Developers of the program PSP Video 9 first created a
program that could change videos from computer types like .avi and .mpeg to the format used by the Play
Station Portable. Once that was done, it was quickly possible to create
podcasts for the PSP.


Podcasters began creating video files, changing them to a format readable by the
PlayStation Portable, and distributing them by podast feed. These podcast feeds are subscribed to by people interested in the feed, who download the episodes as they come out.


After the video files are transfered to the
PlayStation Portable, they can be viewed whenever the end user wishes, just like the other movies and
professionally done videos available for the PSP.


The PlayStation Portable has thus been changed from simply
being a portable gaming platform to a piece of full featured media hardware capable of playing games, storing information, and playing videos and movies, moving toward a more complex future.

Chronicles of a Marketing Expert – Blogs, RSS, and Podcasting


Okay, so you’re a marketing expert but you haven’t yet embraced emerging technologies like blogs, RSS feeds, or podcasts.


If you think these technologies are a passing fad, then think again. Today, major businesses and a significant number of marketing professionals are using these tools to influence, persuade, and encourage consumers to take action.


Let’s first begin by defining each technology and providing some information on how marketing professionals are using them.


Blogs – A weblog, which is usually shortened to blog, is a type of website where entries are made (such as in a journal or diary), displayed in a reverse chronological order.


Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries.


A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. Most blogs are primarily textual although many focus on photographs, videos or audio. The word blog can also be used as a verb, meaning adding an entry to a blog.


Many marketing experts maintain their own blogs providing commnetary on everything from advertising to online marketing.


Additionally, some marketing professionals are partnering with influencial bloggers to support specific products or businesses. This is very similar to an actor’s endorsement of a product or product placement initiative.


RSS – is a family of web feed formats, specified in XML and used for Web syndication. RSS is used by (among other things) news Web sites, weblogs and podcasting. The abbreviation is variously used to refer to the following standards:

• Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
• Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0)
• RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)


Web feeds provide web content or summaries of web content together with links to the full versions of the content, and other metadata.


RSS, in particular, delivers this information as an XML file called an RSS feed, webfeed, RSS stream, or RSS channel. In addition to facilitating syndication, web feeds allow a website’s frequent readers to track updates on the site using an aggregator.


With the power of RSS, those interested in your content can receive updates regularly. In fact, RSS allows for updates in real time.


With the advent of aggregators, individuals can collect relevant information from various sources. When used to inform your prospects,


customers, or stakeholders of valuable information, RSS feeds combine convenience with quality. Best of all, it lets the user be proactive and select the specific content he/she is looking for.


Podcasting is the method of distributing multimedia files, such as audio programs or music videos, over the Internet using either the RSS or Atom syndication formats, for playback on mobile devices and personal computers.


The term podcast, like ‘radio’, can mean both the content and the method of delivery. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster.


Podcasters’ web sites may also offer direct download or streaming of their files; a podcast however is distinguished by its ability to be downloaded automatically using software capable of reading RSS or Atom feeds.


Usually a podcast features one type of ‘show’, with new episodes released either sporadically or at planned intervals such as daily or weekly. In addition, there are podcast networks that feature multiple shows on the same feed.


Those using podcasts successfully are providing audio feeds of “must-have” content for prospects and customers.


Some of this content includes radio-type shows where industry experts respond to questions in a question and answer format.


Such podcasts provide significant value to customers and give businesses the opportunity to serve as an ongoing resource for their industry.


In combination, Blogs, RSS feeds, and Podcasts can have a significant impact on those you are trying to reach. This is particulary true of today’s generation and part of generation Y.


These are individuals who are comfortable with technology and depend on it for their news, information, and knowledge development.


If you are a marketing expert, marketing professional, or simply interested in new ways to communicate to your audience, then start to dable in these new technologies. Not only will they deliver immediate benefit, but they can generate returns over the long term as well.


The Benefits Of Podcasting & How To Make Great Ones


Podcasting has been around since 2004 and its presence on the worldwide web is as common as blogs and videos.


For internet marketing gurus, they consider podcasting to be rooted in the weblog, which eventually became known as a “blog,” and in the internet itself.


Of course, if it weren’t for the internet neither blogs nor podcasts would exist. Both grew from innovative minds that recognized the potential for new types of communication and businesses.


When blogs gained popularity sometime in the mid 1990s, people were in a frenzy to take part and share their thoughts, knowledge and information.


Additionally, blogs allowed for two-way communication as readers could comment on what others wrote. This was a new way of sharing information.


With the addition of podcasting after more than a decade, blogs became even more popular with the new tool of communication.

Firms that wish to expand the ways they reach potential clients and other audiences should consider incorporating podcasts into their communications mix.


Many successful internet marketers and businesses have experienced boosted sales and traffic. Indeed, it can be said that podcasting offers great opportunities for immediacy, authenticity and credibility in marketing.


It has been used as well for client education, demonstrations and recruitment efforts. Being cost-effective and efficient, podcasting is highly preferred as well for smaller businesses.

Benefits of Podcasting

Podcast has proven to be extremely effective both in audio and video podcasting. This form of communications can be extremely effective for a few reasons. In many other ways, it enhances a blog and outperforms it.


The many benefits that entrepreneurs, affiliate marketers and small businesses can get in podcasting include building genuine and strong connection with people.


It develops an ongoing verbal relationship with clients and customers, particularly because you can directly respond to customer feedbacks and questions.


At the same time, it helps develop new relationships and build a reputation of authority in the industry you’re moving in.


People always love free information that’s helpful to them, as well as knowing insights of leaders in the field. With podcasting, you build trust faster than any other means of communication.

Ways To Effective Podcasting

You can create a great podcast but if no one listens to it, it won’t matter. As with any marketing and recruiting program, you need to create awareness for your podcasts.


The power of your podcast will increase greatly if it is integrated into your overall marketing plan. But podcasting isn’t just a one-step-take-all process.


There are basics that businesses must consider to make their podcast successful. Here are the top tips to effectively use podcasting for your business:

1. Don’t settle for home video types. In order to be effective, a podcast must be
professional and compelling. Make sure that what you produce will convey the right
image and be of interest beyond your office walls. Don’t settle for juvenile mode or home video type of podcasts as it would make your business look unprofessional.

2. Recognize that technology is a means to an end. The technology utilized in a podcast is user-friendly, readily available and affordable. But remember, a good podcast should always be about the messages you choose to deliver.

3. Be authentic and genuine. Authenticity is a great factor to effective podcasting. Do not use a professional speaker but instead, pick an articulate person from your own firm who is knowledgeable enough and passionate about the subject matter.

4. Use an interview format for spontaneity. One of the best ways to have a structured podcast is through the interview format. It’s like having a question and answer portion and the usual thing that happens in an interview.

5. Know how your audience will listen. Practically speaking, many people will choose to listen to podcasts on your websites rather than downloading them to an iPod.


The best thing you can do is provide for podcast streaming on your website and think of other content that will accompany them.

Remember that the most important aspects of innovation are not readily apparent. To become successful, the invisible must be made visible. So stand up and be heard!


The Power Of The Podcast


Podcasting is an equal opportunity venture. You have homespun hobbyists and longtime professionals developing their own bit of audio for worldwide consumption.


You can find podcasts on politics podcasts, tax tips, music of the 80’s, original drama, humor, classic automobiles, and guitar instruction. In fact, the list of additional podcasts is limited only by your imagination.


Some producers use a simple USB microphone attachment that is picked up and recorded by software in your computer. From there it can be manipulated, mixed and saved as an mp3 file.


Many podcasts do not rely on studio equipment and mixing. The audio creator is simply using the simplest means of recording intelligible thoughts and then allowing site visitors to consume the information at will.



Podcasting is to mp3 downloads what web cam videos are to YouTube. They can be entertaining, informative or simply background.


As the idea of podcasts continues to grow the prevailing mystery of producing, saving and distributing an audio file is essentially fading away too.


There was a time when many computer users were intimidated by the thought of trying to upload a text file then photos, but as a familiarity with computers continues to improve the exploration of new ideas makes audio distribution a highly personal way to deliver a point.


For Fred and Eric this means shutting the door to their computer room every Friday night and spending a couple of hours producing a fifteen-minute podcast.


They both have indicated their wives wonder what they do for two hours and why they spend time developing a podcast if there is no pay involved.


Both men chuckle when they relate the marketing potential wrapped up in these free podcasts. One has a small record label and the audio he produces points listeners to the label website to purchase some of the material presented.


The other does voice work for clients and his podcasts highlights his skills while he gives free advice about how to do voice work for clients.


Neither of these gentlemen is interested in discontinuing their podcasts. It is true they do not see tangible revenue from the download of their audio, but the their work is essentially an entertaining and informative advertisement for their primary sites where purchases can, and are, being made.


The best news is they don’t make their podcasts blatant advertising. In both cases they utilize something that encourages listeners to come back, and they are.


Each of these podcasts are subject to an RSS feed and one has even moved to offer the feed as a phone download if the listener is on the go or may not have immediate access to a computer.


The truth about podcasts is they are not only for the broadcast professional. All around the world these audio elements are created in basements, cottages, mansions and studios.


The acceptance of podcasts is generally strong and while your weekly listenership may not be as strong as a national radio program it does offer something that some of these programs don’t offer – the ability for consumers to listen when they want to listen.


The notion of on demand listening and viewing is changing the way the world thinks about how they accept material and it is having an impact on traditional radio and television stations.


This is the power of the podcast.

How I Produce My Video Podcast,How I Edit My Video Podcast,How I Edit My Podcast,Descript Tutorial,Descript Review,


How to Sync Video and Audio,How to Sync Video and Audio in Final Cut Pro X,My Podcast Workflow,My Video Podcast Workflow,The Freelance Friday Podcast,How to Start Podcasting,How to Start a Podcast,

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